Many beginners begin to enlarge the penis, comparing the penis to biceps. But very quickly they leave the training because of practically zero results. Why is this happening? Yes, because we all know the "load-rest" scheme that works for increasing biceps does NOT work when the penis is involved!
When the penis enlarges, it has its own growth pattern, different from the previous one. You will find out what kind of scheme it is below.
In this article I will tell you how to properly enlarge the penis so that you don't waste time and get the desired result.
I believe that you already know how the penis works, you know how to properly measure the penis and you are familiar with the "wheel theory".
Penis size
In order to competently increase the penis, we need to touch on the topic of measuring various indicators of the penis. I recommend that you treat this moment of your efforts quite conscientiously, if only so that you can then have a clear picture of your achievements and evaluate the rightness or wrongness of the training direction you have chosen. This is a mistake made by almost all newbies. . .

Main size, what we will be interested in is the length of the erect penis with an unimpressed ruler, the so-calledNBPEL(from English - Non Bone Pressed Erect Length). This is the English abbreviation accepted in the NLP community worldwide.
This is exactly the size of the penis that we see visuallyand they perceive it as the true size of our organ. But that is not entirely true, this is not the whole penis.
All of us, even the thinnest ones, have a layer of belly fat in front of the pubic bone. The so-called "hidden part" of the genital organ is "hidden" in this layer.
First sizewhich will interest us in the process of penis enlargement isBPFSL- the length of a stretched, relaxed penis with a pressed ruler. BPFSL gives us the true length of our penis along with the hidden part. This penis size will be our base size. This is ours, so to speak.
Another size is BPEL- the length of the erect penis when pressed with a ruler. It is precisely this size that we will eventually try to increase, as the permanent size of our erect organ. This is ours
I advise you to remember these abbreviations; they will be useful to you many times in the process of expanding your account, because they are widely used everywhere in thematic forums and on the Internet.
Now that we have a schematic idea
How to properly enlarge the penis
First of all, you need to measure your reproductive organ ie: measure your BPFSL and BPEL. And of course NBPEL, to compare the final results of your efforts. I advise you to write down these indicators in your diary.
We calculate the difference BPFSL - BPEL.
If this difference is within one centimeter(ie less than or equal to), then the first thing you need to do isit is necessary to stretch the tunic.You can do this with the help of "stretching exercises", after studying their technique in detail, wear an extender or a stretcher, you can hang a load, etc.
But if that difference is within 1-3 cm, then stretching your penis is strictly contraindicated!It is necessary to do exercises exclusively for the "girth" and size of the penis.
But first things first.
Temporary penis enlargement
Let's assume
In this case, it is quite logical to assume that the enlargement of your penis should begin
An extender also works here, but if you have a stretcher handy, then a stretcher is preferred, of course.
First, it wears softer and more discreetly than an extender. Therefore, there are times and places where more can be worn. For example, in a waist stretcher that does not have a support ring, you can practically live, work and even sleep at night.
And secondly, at this stage of penis enlargement there is no urgent need to clearly ensure it

This is a temporary penis enlargement, a preparatory phase, so to speak.
After such an increase, if you stop exercising, the penis will return to its previous size very quickly. Otherwise, many people give up on it, give up on training, losing faith in penis enlargement in general.
Cementing the results
After stretching the tunic so much
Some of these exercises you will find on our website, some on the Internet or somewhere else, it doesn't matter.
The main thing is to wear the extender at a constant length after these exercises!
You must give the stretch a rest and support only what is already stretched.
What are the benefits of wearing an extender at a constant length?
As we know from the structure of the penis, the male organ consists of one spongy body (Corpus Spongisum), inside which the urinary canal passes, and two cavernous bodies (Corpora Cavernosa), which do not stretch well, but are cells in which they divide well andmultiply. And the outer shell (tunic) envelops all these three chambers, which, on the contrary, stretches very well, but does not know how to "keep its shape" - there are no cells in it that can divide and reproduce (very few). As soon as we remove the effect of stretching, it, like the tire, returns to its original state.
Therefore, the task of wearing an extender at a constant length is to keep the tunic in a moderately stretched state long enough, so that the cells of the internal bodies have time to divide and multiply in the shell, dividing mainly in the direction of stretching and filling with themselves everything that allowed them the available space insidethese shells. If we do not do this after vascular exercises, then the cavernous cells will have nowhere to stretch and divide.
We thereby stimulate and give additional potential to the internal structures of the penis for cell division and reproduction.
Here, of course, the extender works better than all devices, even there are no options. It should not enlarge the shell, not stretch it, but keep it in a slightly stretched state. And only the extender "can" keep the penis at a fixed length, due to the presence of rigid rods in its design. Therefore, it is impossible to increase the length of the extender during this period.
Wearing the extender at a constant length after vascular exercises accelerates the process of cell division inside the penis. This phase is called in Nuper jargon (natural penis enlargement)"cementing the results"!

As you can see, the scheme is very simple and logical - to increase the penis as a whole, you must first increase the sheath of the penis (we stretch the tunic with a stretcher). Then, without fail, we increase the content of this shell (we strengthen it with "vascular exercises"), otherwise it will return to its previous size, and finally we "cement" (with an extender) the obtained results!
As soon as the length of your erect penis approaches the length of the stretched penis, repeat this cycle over and over again until we achieve the desired results!
Because for successful training and good penis growth, it is better to have an extender and a stretcher at hand, which will give maximum results when used in combination.
Enjoy your health and achieve maximum growth!